Here's my list of games that should be represented in some way at your Nintendo party.
Super Mario Brothers Zelda Metroid Mike Tyson's Punchout Bionic Commando Mario Kart Kid Icarus Kung Fu Mega Man Final Fantasy Castlevania Street Fighter II Mortal Kombat Contra Ninja Gaiden Tron Paper Mario Super Smash Brothers F-Zero Star Fox Golden Eye Double Dragon
Firstly, what blog? Cleansmanship? That blog has been taken over by nerdy programmers, cats that can't speak proper English and someone LIVING in Hawaii. Enough said. Secondly, you have not informed that bunch on YOUR blog about me and me and Metroid meatballs and the ATAT working what the Empire gave him. Thirdly, Double dragon yes(which in my mind also brings up TMNT) and Star Fox no.
That's a clean and healthy as a website gets.
Also, you should follow my fucking blog. Fuck.
Here's my list of games that should be represented in some way at your Nintendo party.
Super Mario Brothers
Mike Tyson's Punchout
Bionic Commando
Mario Kart
Kid Icarus
Kung Fu
Mega Man
Final Fantasy
Street Fighter II
Mortal Kombat
Ninja Gaiden
Paper Mario
Super Smash Brothers
Star Fox
Golden Eye
Double Dragon
Firstly, what blog? Cleansmanship? That blog has been taken over by nerdy programmers, cats that can't speak proper English and someone LIVING in Hawaii. Enough said. Secondly, you have not informed that bunch on YOUR blog about me and me and Metroid meatballs and the ATAT working what the Empire gave him. Thirdly, Double dragon yes(which in my mind also brings up TMNT) and Star Fox no.
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